Qualitative Analysis of Childbearing Action of Arab Spouses in Ahwaz City

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor in Demography, Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Associate Professor in Sociology, Bu-Ali Sina University

3 Assistant Professor in Demography, Payame-Noor University (Bookan)

4 MA in Sociology, Bu-Ali Sina University


Fertility is one of the main three factors which affects the population changes. Curranty, it is accounted as a social problem in Iranian society. Although lots of quantitative researches have ever been conducted to illustrate the determinants of fertility in Iran, but deep perception of fertility needs to study its meaning dimension too. Studding the dimension uncovers the people’s interpretation of their social world, events, conditions and forces which are related to their childbearing action. Methodologically, this study adopted a qualitative approach to concentrate deeply on childbearing action and its meaning to the actors. Grounded theory is the main method to analyze the data. The data has been collected via 20 deep interview with Arab couples in Ahwaz city. The results show that according to content of childbearing action, attributed meanings to the action, and realization of this action, three meaning approaches are emerged: childbearing as a consolidate-amendable action, childbearing as a perceptive-reflexive action, and finally childbearing as a limitation and secured action.


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